A regional shipping company on a human scale, focused on its customers & employees!

The company currently has around 1300 employees on permanent contracts, including 235 Sédiensaires and 635 Navigants, while one third of sailors and 20% of sedentaries find their bases in Corsica, the other employees being on the continent.
During the summer of 2017, the company recruited more than 500 employees, mainly flight crews, hoteliers and hospitality workers (90%) to cope with the seasonal rise in attendance.
In addition, all CORSICA linea employees work within French law and according to applicable collective agreements, as well as under the French Pavillon 1st register for seafarers.

Discover our professions on our YouTube channel in the dedicated playlist :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvWkl0FHqr0&list=PLKxZSqubYbTANN6BXFj_tgPxnNvg1tc6e  . 

The CORSICA linea commitments

Manoeuvre à bord

Diversity and pluralism

Although the Merchant Navy is still a highly masculine universe, the company works on a daily basis for the integration and development of women's personnel both on board and on the ground.


Training & professional development

Throughout their career in the company, employees are regularly trained, especially on health and safety procedures to minimize accidents related to the inherent dangerousness of the activity.


Respect for employees

Harmony between all employees is a key to the success of the company.
CORSICA linea is committed to listening to everyone and making a regular assessment to validate the progress points and professional projects.
In addition, the company has initiated a profit-sharing process so that all employees can reap the rewards of the company's success.


Our portal dedicated to professional training.


CORSICA Linea has a dedicated website for its training center: https://www.formation.corsicalinea.com/, aimed at seafarers.

The website provides a catalogue of training courses offered, pricing, session schedules, the option to book training sessions, teams, etc. Merchant seamen now have access to all relevant information through a single website.

CORSICA Linea thus offers seafarers the opportunity to advance throughout their professional lives and to be supported in managing technological and regulatory innovations in the sector, as well as in a constantly evolving job market.

Twenty-four permanent trainers, all active seafarers, provide a wide range of training courses:

  • Certificate of Aptitude for the Operation of Lifeboats and Liferafts (CAEERS) and CAEERS Refresher. See details;
  • Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities - Personal Survival Techniques (SPRS-PST) and PST Refresher. See details;
  • Crisis management;
  • Specific security;
  • Security awareness;
  • Certificate of Aptitude for the Operation of Fast Rescue Boats (CAECSR) and CAECSR Refresher.

All training courses are conducted at multiple locations: the company headquarters in Ajaccio, its offices in Marseille, as well as the premises of the Maritime and Aquaculture High School of Bastia, as part of the existing partnership between the two institutions.

Training also takes place on board our vessels for a "real-life" learning experience.

Since 2017, CORSICA Linea's training center has welcomed over 3000 trainees with a satisfaction rate of 92%.

The trades of the company

Second capitaine

Sedentary staff and support functions

Nearly 300 so-called sedentary people ensure, among other things, the development of the company, the quality of all its internal or external services, and the safety of ships.
Commerce, Marketing, Customer Relationship, IT, Finance, Human Resources, Purchasing, QHSSE, Technical (Repair and Maintenance Shops activities) ... are all sectors invested by the sedentary CORSICA linea.


Equipage en passerellle

Land-based staff of the Harbor Agencies

Welcome and inform passengers, sell tickets, embark and disembark, manage consignment and freight, guide and guide ... all its missions are the staff onshore 3 Agencies (Marseille, Bastia and Ajaccio) of the company maritime. Professionalism, organization, patience, pedagogy and interpersonal skills are the essential assets to ensure these missions.


Equipage en passerelle


The boats providing the connections to Corsica and Maghreb each include a crew composed of several complementary trades, guided by Merchant Navy Officers:

  • The "Bridge" which ensures the navigation and the maneuvers of the ships (the driving), the assistance and the loading in the garages,
  • The "Machine", in charge of the maintenance and the good functioning of the engines and annexed parts of the ships,
  • The "hotel and catering" (or "ADSG") teams, including chief cooks, cooks, waiters in the restaurant or bar, staff in charge of the maintenance of common areas and cabins, sales shops on board.

Job offers

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