CORSICA Linea provides weekly return trips from Marseille to Tunis in the off-season (January to mid-June) and then two trips per week during the season (mid-June to the end of September).
Travel comfortably!
The journey between Marseille and Tunis lasts on average 22 hours, ensure your comfort by reserving your facilities - cabin (porthole or without porthole) with private bathrooms - when buying your ticket. The cabins with lavatory and porthole are equipped with televisions.
Depending on the dates of travel, you will have the opportunity to travel aboard one of our 2 ferries connecting with Tunisia, the Danielle Casanova, and the Mediterranée.
Catering (guaranteed Hallal menus), children's areas, nursery, shops, outdoor spaces, kennels, Wi-fi, consult now the services on board that will be offered during your crossing CORSICA linea.
Consult the information available on the pages dedicated to the ports of Marseille and Tunis to facilitate your access to ships, and complete the necessary formalities.
To prepare your trip, access the dates and times of the crossings between Marseille and Tunis, but also to Corsica, Sardinia, and Algiers for the Maghreb.